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20 - Taxes


21 - Of which third-party interests 

This relates to the third-party interests in the results of Numan & Kant BV.


Other explanatory notes

The wages and salaries for 2022 include €1,205,000 (2021: €1,073,000) for the remuneration of the directors, including former directors. This includes a pension burden of €95,000 (2021: € 58,000).


Company balance sheet


Company profit and loss account


Notes to the company financial statements

The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. The assets and liabilities have been valued and the result determined on the basis of historical cost.


1 - Financial fixed assets

Movements in the participating interests in group companies were as follows:


2 - Equity

The authorised share capital of the company totals €50 million, subdivided into 50 million ordinary shares with a nominal value of €1 each. The ordinary shares are grouped into class A, B, C, D and E shares.


Other data

Please refer to the Dutch auditor’s report contained in the deposited financial statements.


Report of the Joint Works Council

In line with the growth and continued professionalisation of Unica, the Works Council has also made advances in reinforcing employee representation.


GRI overview

Supplementing the financial report for 2022, this annex contains a social performance report for the past year.


Overview GRI-indicators


Energy consumption

The energy assessment has been drawn up in accordance with ISO 50001 §4.4.3.



The organizational boundary has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard: 2004, chapter 3, as described in Manual CO2 Performance Ladder 3.1, chapter 4.


Explanation energy and emission inventory

The annual growth in turnover and FTE between 2019 on the one hand and 2020, 2021 and 2022 on the other hand is significant and is the result of organic growth and material acquisitions.