To limit financial risks in business operations, a financial dashboard has been developed providing clear evaluations of the financial performance of all clusters. This offers a clear image of Unica’s financial health so that sufficient liquidity and bank guarantee facilities are available to meet all financial obligations.
In 2020, the Business Control Department was established within Unica Group’s financial organisation to examine financial aspects of project risks even more closely. This department now houses all financial project management activities, such as supervising the planning & control cycle, analysing the results at project, company and cluster level, and advising directors about finance and risk management. The department has been brought under the direction of a business control manager with extensive experience in operational project activities.

After the monthly figures are closed, these are discussed in detail with each cluster. Where necessary, immediate and appropriate adjustments can be made. The results are also discussed monthly with the Supervisory Board. Particular attention was paid to Unica’s working capital position, which was a good indicator of how carefully each cluster handled its cash in a time of great uncertainty. The working capital position made a significant contribution to Unica’s stability and crisis resilience in 2020.
Unica relies on external expertise to attract financing, primarily the expertise of majority shareholder Triton. Credit risks are limited because outstanding receivables are insured with a credit insurance company.