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Unica maintains and implements the highest integrity standards in the form of unequivocal ethical standards and basic principles, borne out by all employees. This is achieved via our code of conduct and the ‘Speak out’ (Spreek je uit) protocol on abuse, employment disputes and undesirable behaviour. The rules on abuse were adapted to match the latest legal statutory guidelines, in 2023. From the start of the new year, an additional application has been activated according to which it is possible to guarantee anonymous reporting.

In support of our policy, we rely on four external confidential counsellors. These confidential counsellors and the compliance officer at Unica prepare annual reports on the operation of the ‘Speak out’ protocols. These reports are shared with the Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and discussed with the Works Council. The reports are also used for reinforcing policy or taking specific additional measures. Compliance cases are also periodically discussed at meetings with the Executive Committee and the Supervisory Board.

During the company introduction day, new employees also receive training on integrity, compliance and security. These subjects are also regularly discussed during periodic internal management training courses. To further expand knowledge of specific issues, the Legal Affairs department organises accessible online legal workshops every month, for which every employee is free to register, via our online learning platform.

In the light of their role model position, Unica focuses particular attention on training for management in ethical behaviour and compliant working practice, during every management meeting. Each year, all directors issue a compliance statement, which includes a declaration that they comply with all applicable legislation and regulations. Following a planned compliance fraud risk assessment in 2023, a number of issues were further tightened up.