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Digital threats such as ransomware, DDoS attacks and phishing are among the greatest risks facing business and industry. Quite apart from serious harm to reputation, cyberattacks are often also a direct threat to the continuity of enterprises. Cybersecurity risks are therefore the subject of emphatic attention in Unica’s risk management policy. We operate a dynamic security policy that continuously evolves and adapts to the risks, market conditions and changes to technology and legislation and regulations. Unica is able to rely on the expertise of Unica ICT Solutions to provide in-depth knowledge of digital risks. This specialist cluster deploys its knowledge on cybersecurity in its own service provision. We make use of the Security and Network Operating Centre (SOC & NOC) established at Unica ICT Solutions, in combination with an extensive 24/7 Managed Detection & Response solution, to protect us against potential cyber incidents.

As well as preventing cyber incidents, we are deeply aware of our responsibility for the information in our systems. Among others under the protection of the ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 standard, Unica screens this information against internal and external threats with a view to safeguarding business continuity and where possible preventing damage to its own organisation and the organisation of other stakeholders (such as consultants, suppliers and clients). Via our online learning platform and advanced simulation programmes, we constantly train our employees to recognise cybersecurity risks such as phishing. In the course of 2023, a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) was conducted. The most important recommendations for better organising our data protection will be implemented in 2024. Also in 2024, we will be preparing for the implementation of the NIS2 Directive.

In 2023, our core application landscape was recalibrated. Together with external specialists, we investigated how we could further standardise our digital foundation and our information management policy. This will enable us to derive synergetic and cost benefits, as well as delivering a more manageable application landscape. The first adjustments were implemented in 2023, including standardisation of all human resource issues in a single HRM system.

As companies are acquired and merged, the number of applications and the ICT environment at Unica continue to grow. To guarantee the high quality of our service provision, and not least to mitigate cybersecurity risks, the newly acquired companies are integrated as quickly as possible following acquisition in our IT infrastructure, and connected to the basic components of our central IT services. The basic facilities include measures to protect against cybersecurity risks. An added benefit is that system integration facilitates optimum cooperation and enables us to realise further economies of scale.