The services provided by Unica and in the world around us are becoming increasingly digitalised. Unica is convinced that digitalisation is a crucial precondition for future relevance. Against that background, a multiyear digitalisation programme has been initiated, aimed at fully modernising the ICT landscape in which Unica operates. The various process stages in service provision will also be carefully examined during implementation, in order to benefit from economies of scale and to realise efficiency gains.
The new digital building blocks, the internal ICT infrastructure and systems employed by Unica, must be able to simplify work practice, enable employees to achieve higher productivity and ensure the improved storage of and access to information. Microsoft Dynamics, a series of intelligent business applications in which all business processes are embedded, will be implemented as the technical framework. In this way, all the processes can be perfectly integrated, so that less actions are needed in order to bring about improved service provision.
Unica believes in the long-term opportunities of digitalisation. In the short term, the process calls for a certain degree of flexibility. Employees, for example, have to learn a different work approach, and they need to be trained in combining digital and technical knowledge. To ensure that each of these aspects receives the attention it requires, Dynamics will be implemented in a series of phases. In stage one, all commercial processes were integrated in Dynamics, in 2020. Phase two took place in 2021, and involved the implementation of all the financial processes and information. This was an essential intermediate step, to make it possible to transfer the operational processes from Projects and Services to Dynamics. Starting in 2022, the initial work will be undertaken on structuring the project processes according to the Systems Engineering (SE) method, and management and maintenance processes according to a universal service method.
With the phased implementation of Dynamics, the digital foundations of Unica will be gradually reinforced. We are at the starting point of a digital transformation in our industry, whereby traditional tasks will gradually change into ICT-managed applications. As a result, we will be able to deliver more added value to our customers, as well as using data to acquire new insights to further optimise our services. Wherever necessary, sections of Unica’s own business models will have to be adjusted, in order to tie in with the digital transformation. For certain applications, technological solutions will be developed in practice which will be entirely digitally based. The Building Insights data platform, developed by the Unica Innovation Center, is an example of just such a solution.