Other explanatory notes
Remuneration of the directors and members of the Supervisory Board
The wages and salaries for 2022 include €1,205,000 (2021: €1,073,000) for the remuneration of the directors, including former directors. This includes a pension burden of €95,000 (2021: € 58,000). Remuneration of the Supervisory Board in the financial year amounted to €170,000 (2021: €161,000).
Occurrences since the balance sheet date
A strategic reassessment at Unica was completed in 2022. Consultations were held between the management, the shareholders, the banks and the provider of subordinated loans regarding the growth strategy and its financing. The discussions resulted in a proposal for the recapitalisation of the shares and refinancing by a consortium of banks through to mid-2028. In this framework, outstanding loans and repayment obligations will be re-evaluated. The financial impact will among others depend on the extent to which and the timeframe within which the growth strategy can be realised.