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These include:
The accruals and deferred income include an item of € 1.65 million that relates to earn-out fees, of which € 0.4 million has a term of more than one year. In addition, an item of € 3.5 million was included for reserves for still expected costs.
The breakdown of the revenue is as follows:
The pension scheme is largely administered by the pension fund for the metal and technical sector (Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek, PMT). The accrued benefits are fully funded each calendar year with the payment of break-even contributions.
The total amount charged to the result in the financial year in fees for work by the external auditor and the accountancy firm is €501,000.
This relates to the third-party interests in the results of Synto BV and Numan & Kant BV.
The wages and salaries for 2021 include €1,073,000 (2020: €963,000) for the remuneration of the directors, including former directors. This includes a pension burden of €58,000 (2020: €33.000).
The company financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions in Part 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.